Friday, April 4, 2014

Research Part One

I will be doing a survey testing people's knowledge of queer minorities. I will be putting particular focus On differentiating between popular myths from actual truth. I will also be asking them if they know someone who is queer or if they are queer themselves. the purpose of this study will be to elucidate the relationship between knowing about The Forgotten letters and where  this information is coming from.

I will also be doing a short experiment where I will ask people to read a short paragraph while substituting in gender neutral pronouns for the traditional male or female pronouns. The purpose of this experiment will be to find out which epicene pronouns are easier to use and how difficult it is for the average person to integrate a new pronoun into their vocabulary.

My hope with both of these research methods will be to not only find out information but to sensitize my subjects to information that they are not aware of.

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