Monday, April 14, 2014

Research Part 3

I have revised my plane to include 2  or 3 myth based questions about each group, then I will allow users to select from a list of way they learned the information. They will be allowed to select more than one answer. I will limit the survey to under twenty questions, or around 15 questions. I will be focusing on the myths like I said because I feel that unlearning misinformation is a strong sign of knowledge in a topic area. 

For the experimental part of the exercise, I will split my people into two groups. One group will do the assignment without being told why they are doing it. The other group will have the idea of epicene pronouns explained to them. Of those in the second group, I will ask them to fill out a brief about their opinions on non-male or female pronouns. I will then see if feelings of bias against non-binary people will affect the time. My revised hypothesis is that those who feel favorably will do a bit better than the control group, and those who do not feel favorably or doubt the legitimacy of the group will actually do a lot worse. I will be using a text from Alice in Wonderland.

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