Sunday, March 16, 2014

#8: Final Post

I have really enjoyed writing this blog. I love learning about issues surrounding gender and seuxality, not only because there is yet injustice to be addressed and people to help, but because I think all the identities people are capable of having are beautiful. The complex, incomprehensible nature of human beings is something that can't be understood in one class, or in many. It is not something that can be quantified, and if I have spoken to a small part of that understanding with this blog I will be more than satisified.

I have learned more about an issue which I find interesting. I was especially interested to find out that the intersex community does not wish to abolish gender. Of course, I then felt guilty for assuming that just because someon'e body was in between ideas of male and female, that they would also prefer some third gender. Because, after all, gender and sex do not always have to "match up" in a specific way. I would this interesting because it showed me that I still have biases and internal ideas about what people should be. I was also interested and saddened by learning about the effects that ostracism can have on people. We often forget that hurt does not only include physical violence, but also words and social actions. We are social human beings and to deny someone the company of another person is just astoundingly cruel. I was also astounded when I delved deeper into issues I already knew about. For example, I was surprised by the breadth of hardships which face bisexuals, and by the silence and lack of awareness which surrounds this issue. Overall, I am surprised by the amount of knowledge which is easily available. Despite this, people tend to know little facts surrounding these issues, and much misinformation and myths.

I hope that I have educated someone, if just a little bit. This sort of sentimentalism may be out of place in a social science, but I firmly believe that education allows us to become more compassionate, understanding, and tolerant people. I hope that all those who have read felt a bit more enlightened, and that they perhaps will be able to teach someone else as well.

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