Saturday, March 15, 2014

#7.5:Asexual Discrimination

(I am making this extra post because I did not want to end my blog without having spoken at least something about all the identities I mentioned in my first post.)

Asexuals are often accused of "having it easy" compared to other non-heterosexual identities. However, they too can face problems because of their orientation. One example of this is corrective rape, where people will feel that they can "fix" someone asexual by sexually assaulting them.They also are more likely to be discriminated against by any sexual person (be they gay, straight or bi), than any other group. LGBT groups may accuse asexuals of trying to "coopt the movement", and they may receive less support and help from organizations which are supposed to help all gender and sexual minorities.   People also tend to believe that asexuals are thought of as less human for not having a sexual nature. The stereotype of asexuals that people have is that they cold, awkward, unfriendly, and even robotic.

Why is it that people cannot understand or respect asexuality? Is it that human beings fundamentally lack empathetic imagination? Is it that for most people, a sexual nature is so ingrained that to think otherwise becomes impossible? Is it society that teaches us that sex is fundamental to our lives? Whatever the reason, we should still strive to treat everyone with respect.


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