Monday, April 7, 2014

Research Part Two

For the general knowledge survey of my research, I will be collecting data using Google Forms. This will allow people more access to it, will allow me to export my information as an Excel Document, and will allow for greater anonymity. I  plan to start by asking for age, gender (with male, female and other (fill-in) options). Then I will ask around ten questions about bisexuals, trans* people, asexuals, and intersex people. I will mainly be focusing on general and accurate knowledge and the perception of certain myths as wrong. Then I will ask one or two questions about how the people learned this information, with an emphasis on thier knowing or being a queer person.

For my experiment, I will sit down with people in a busy cafeteria setting and ask them to read one text with first female pronouns, then "they pronouns" and then "ey" pronouns. The purpose of the busy setting is seeing if people can still learn quickly in a distracting environment. Because they are reading the text three times, this gives them a bit of an advantage on later tries, which will somewhat compensate for the difficult pronouns. I will have both the text to be read with blanks and the pronouns displayed easily where the person can refer to them. I will time them with a stopwatch and I will also count the nature and amount of errors they make (using the wrong tense, using the wrong set of pronouns).

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