Saturday, February 1, 2014

#3:A Vlogbrothers video about Sexuality and Gender

Here is pretty and understandable exploration of the aspects of sexuality and gender which apply to each person, narrated by the lovely Hank Green from the famous "vlogbrothers".  "Common Sense" would dictate that gender identity, sex, orientation and gender roles would all align; the truth is a lot more fascinating. (One aspect Hank perhaps forgot to mention is gender expression. A trans-boy could still decide to dress up in girl's clothes for musical or for Halloween for example. A cis-male could be a drag queen and wear stage makeup and poofy dresses but still identify as male.)

Bonus Video:  Hank Green again , but in a previous post talking about his own sexuality. It's nice to see a public figure approach the topic casually and describe his experience honestly.  His electron analogy is wonderfully geeky! [x]

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